A Pumpkins Saga

A Pumpkins Saga is a Tale of Pumpkin. His journey through Life, his frustrations, joys and gives the reader a first hand acccount into his unusual way of looking at the world around him. And overall attitude towards the thing that he doesn't give a dammn for

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Getting Oriented to the Disorientation

I have not blogged for about a month. And most of my regular readers (if there are any) have been flooding my inbox with fan mail telling me how dramatically their lives have improved over these last four weeks. Well it definitely feels good to be wanted!

One of the more paradoxical (I hope I’ve got the Figure of Speech Right) aspects of Blogging is that whilst you think of a Topic to blog about, there isn’t any. But as you sit down upon this formidable task, it becomes addictively tempting to write all that pours out of your mind. I think, not even a pair of CE certified high quality custom made carbon steel shackles can prove effective in restraining a man or a woman (I don’t intend to incur the wrath of Women Lib Associations) who has the passionate urge to make himself/herself heard. Well I’d suggest all those who have experienced emotional currents on these lines to keep on trying. No matter what rubbish you intend to write, there’s always some idiot who wants to read it. But I’m sure all of my readers are exceptionally intelligent with superhuman IQ’s.

Things have been going awry for me these couple of Days and I’m all slozzeled. I’ve had a slight disagreement (read understatement) with a notoriously foul mouthed, liver brained, smart ass type odious laboratory colleague of mine who bears an uncanny resemblance to the Evil cockroach alien who one encounters while watching the movie Men in Black. While I consider this to be a major improvement at my workplace, I can’t deny that the atmosphere there has been bit queasy since. But that is bound to wear off quite soon to normalcy.

Also it has been apparent to me in the last couple of Days that my Friends after having had enough of me, have finally cracked and consequently have decided to endeavor upon embarking on a mass migration.

Kedar and Snehal leave for USA on the 14th and 28th respectively for pursuing higher studies, while Gargi status is unknown (although she promised she’d let me know if she’d be leaving I consider that prospect too unlikely).

While Suyash is bound to leave for joining up on his new found job at Wipro in Poona or Bangalore sometime the end of this month, Kaustubh prepares to leave for his MTech studies at some NIT at Calicut around the same time. And to top it all, my dear corpulent brother-in-arms Varun deems it fit to spend his time with deformed and vicious creatures rather then me, while studying for MSc at a non-descript, decrepit Wildlife Institute in Deheradoon.

Well that’s quite some change for someone to handle especially when you are witnessing your social life going to the dogs (PETA anyone?) . My last beacon ray of hope is ‘me dear pal’ the most unconventional Defense Analyst ever – Kapil, who is as of now spending his time in the company of not so friendly tribals in Kenya. I intend to catch up with him as soon as possible and hope that he does not end up with Laryngitis or yellow fever like he did on his visit there last time.

To further add agony to my pain, my college starts next week, and as always I have convinced myself to believe that my vacations were a complete waste of time. I am not able to seek solace anymore, not even on a Sunday as all of my friends who now plan to leave this wonderful City are being invited by hoards of pesky, overfriendly relatives to spend the day with them. And nobody other than my own mother, my own flesh and blood has picked up a preposterous habit of setting off to Poona at every single opportunity she gets, in order to fulfill the barrage of social commitments that she’s expected to fulfill.

And just as things appear to brighten up a bit when I realize the fact that my dear Aditi Tai is enjoying herself dating Albert Einstein (at least someone’s happy), I’m drawn upon contemplating the bone chilling prospect of spending time with Sadadosa, a female I’ve met only twice till date and whom I’ve mentioned of – not too highly- in my last piece of correspondence.

Painful though as it may seem to me at the moment, I’m sure it’s not all that bad. I’ll get over it in a month or two. I have seen people go through worse. My personal compliments to Father Time. Time is the Ultimate healer, as it enables us to get on with our lives. And the best part is that time goes on all by itself, you don’t have to work to make fly.

Everyone, I’m sure at some point of time in their lives lands up in a situation where you have to say Goodbye. Everyone has a journey to set foot upon. It is upon this odyssey that people part ways, for good or for worse. Life teaches you rather painfully, that permanence is a mirage, the only constant thing in life is change, and that lifelessness is a rule and life an accident. It makes you philosophical (as it has made me). It makes you a better person a stronger person (which I cannot claim to be).

I’ve always believed that life teaches you a lot of things provided you are willing to learn. And to be a good student requires you to contemplate upon the lessons of life; to let the message to sink down. I always give my life another chance. Do you?


Blogger AG said...

yes i do!!
coz thats life....

1:04 PM  

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